Raymond Groble won a Summary Judgment in the U.S. District Court on March 30, 2015 for a rail client.   A long-time railroad employee alleged he was unfairly disciplined for a safety violation. He claimed that he was removed from his engineering position on the basis of race and in retaliation for an earlier charge of discrimination, and alleged, in addition, a hostile work environment and breach of contract.  Ray argued that the undisputed facts showed that the plaintiff could not establish his claims under either the direct or indirect methods of proof. The court determined that our client did not discriminate against the Plaintiff, and granted a Motion for Summary Judgment for the Defendant.  


Mohan Groble Scolaro

We are a litigation-based law firm where we use our exceptional litigation skills and knowledge to solve business problems.

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Chicago, IL 60603 US
Phone: (312) 422-9999
Fax: (312) 422-5370

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